Netflix is one of the largest streaming platforms, offering a vast library of
original series, movies, and documentaries across various genres. Known for hits like
Stranger Things, The Crown, and Bridgerton. Netflix caters to a wide range of audiences with
new releases, trending shows, and global content.
Hulu is a popular choice for fans of current and classic TV series, with next-day
streaming for many shows and a growing collection of original content like
The Bear, Atlanta and Succesion. Hulu also offers live TV options
for those looking to replace traditional cable.
Disney Plus
Disney Plus is the go-to streaming service for family-friendly entertainment, featuring
Disney classics, Marvel superhero movies, Star Wars series, and National Geographic
documentaries. The Mandalorian, Loki and The Simpsons are some of its most popular series.
Max (formerly HBO Max) is known for its high-quality, award-winning programming,
including Game of Thrones, The Sopranos and The Last of Us. With content from HBO,
Warner Bros., and more, Max delivers premium movies, series, and exclusive originals.